@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+use Stancl\Tenancy\Database\Models\Domain;
+use Stancl\Tenancy\Database\Models\Tenant;
+return [
+ 'tenant_model' => Tenant::class,
+ 'id_generator' => Stancl\Tenancy\UUIDGenerator::class,
+ 'domain_model' => Domain::class,
+ /**
+ * The list of domains hosting your central app.
+ *
+ * Only relevant if you're using the domain or subdomain identification middleware.
+ */
+ 'central_domains' => [
+ '',
+ 'localhost',
+ ],
+ /**
+ * Tenancy bootstrappers are executed when tenancy is initialized.
+ * Their responsibility is making Laravel features tenant-aware.
+ *
+ * To configure their behavior, see the config keys below.
+ */
+ 'bootstrappers' => [
+ Stancl\Tenancy\Bootstrappers\DatabaseTenancyBootstrapper::class,
+ Stancl\Tenancy\Bootstrappers\CacheTenancyBootstrapper::class,
+ Stancl\Tenancy\Bootstrappers\FilesystemTenancyBootstrapper::class,
+ Stancl\Tenancy\Bootstrappers\QueueTenancyBootstrapper::class,
+ // Stancl\Tenancy\Bootstrappers\RedisTenancyBootstrapper::class, // Note: phpredis is needed
+ ],
+ /**
+ * Database tenancy config. Used by DatabaseTenancyBootstrapper.
+ */
+ 'database' => [
+ 'central_connection' => env('DB_CONNECTION', 'central'),
+ /**
+ * Connection used as a "template" for the dynamically created tenant database connection.
+ * Note: don't name your template connection tenant. That name is reserved by package.
+ */
+ 'template_tenant_connection' => null,
+ /**
+ * Tenant database names are created like this:
+ * prefix + tenant_id + suffix.
+ */
+ 'prefix' => 'tenant',
+ 'suffix' => '',
+ /**
+ * TenantDatabaseManagers are classes that handle the creation & deletion of tenant databases.
+ */
+ 'managers' => [
+ 'sqlite' => Stancl\Tenancy\TenantDatabaseManagers\SQLiteDatabaseManager::class,
+ 'mysql' => Stancl\Tenancy\TenantDatabaseManagers\MySQLDatabaseManager::class,
+ 'pgsql' => Stancl\Tenancy\TenantDatabaseManagers\PostgreSQLDatabaseManager::class,
+ /**
+ * Use this database manager for MySQL to have a DB user created for each tenant database.
+ * You can customize the grants given to these users by changing the $grants property.
+ */
+ // 'mysql' => Stancl\Tenancy\TenantDatabaseManagers\PermissionControlledMySQLDatabaseManager::class,
+ /**
+ * Disable the pgsql manager above, and enable the one below if you
+ * want to separate tenant DBs by schemas rather than databases.
+ */
+ // 'pgsql' => Stancl\Tenancy\TenantDatabaseManagers\PostgreSQLSchemaManager::class, // Separate by schema instead of database
+ ],
+ ],
+ /**
+ * Cache tenancy config. Used by CacheTenancyBootstrapper.
+ *
+ * This works for all Cache facade calls, cache() helper
+ * calls and direct calls to injected cache stores.
+ *
+ * Each key in cache will have a tag applied on it. This tag is used to
+ * scope the cache both when writing to it and when reading from it.
+ *
+ * You can clear cache selectively by specifying the tag.
+ */
+ 'cache' => [
+ 'tag_base' => 'tenant', // This tag_base, followed by the tenant_id, will form a tag that will be applied on each cache call.
+ ],
+ /**
+ * Filesystem tenancy config. Used by FilesystemTenancyBootstrapper.
+ * https://tenancyforlaravel.com/docs/v3/tenancy-bootstrappers/#filesystem-tenancy-boostrapper.
+ */
+ 'filesystem' => [
+ /**
+ * Each disk listed in the 'disks' array will be suffixed by the suffix_base, followed by the tenant_id.
+ */
+ 'suffix_base' => 'tenant',
+ 'disks' => [
+ 'local',
+ 'public',
+ // 's3',
+ ],
+ /**
+ * Use this for local disks.
+ *
+ * See https://tenancyforlaravel.com/docs/v3/tenancy-bootstrappers/#filesystem-tenancy-boostrapper
+ */
+ 'root_override' => [
+ // Disks whose roots should be overridden after storage_path() is suffixed.
+ 'local' => '%storage_path%/app/',
+ 'public' => '%storage_path%/app/public/',
+ ],
+ /**
+ * Should storage_path() be suffixed.
+ *
+ * Note: Disabling this will likely break local disk tenancy. Only disable this if you're using an external file storage service like S3.
+ *
+ * For the vast majority of applications, this feature should be enabled. But in some
+ * edge cases, it can cause issues (like using Passport with Vapor - see #196), so
+ * you may want to disable this if you are experiencing these edge case issues.
+ */
+ 'suffix_storage_path' => true,
+ /**
+ * By default, asset() calls are made multi-tenant too. You can use global_asset() and mix()
+ * for global, non-tenant-specific assets. However, you might have some issues when using
+ * packages that use asset() calls inside the tenant app. To avoid such issues, you can
+ * disable asset() helper tenancy and explicitly use tenant_asset() calls in places
+ * where you want to use tenant-specific assets (product images, avatars, etc).
+ */
+ 'asset_helper_tenancy' => true,
+ ],
+ /**
+ * Redis tenancy config. Used by RedisTenancyBootstrapper.
+ *
+ * Note: You need phpredis to use Redis tenancy.
+ *
+ * Note: You don't need to use this if you're using Redis only for cache.
+ * Redis tenancy is only relevant if you're making direct Redis calls,
+ * either using the Redis facade or by injecting it as a dependency.
+ */
+ 'redis' => [
+ 'prefix_base' => 'tenant', // Each key in Redis will be prepended by this prefix_base, followed by the tenant id.
+ 'prefixed_connections' => [ // Redis connections whose keys are prefixed, to separate one tenant's keys from another.
+ // 'default',
+ ],
+ ],
+ /**
+ * Features are classes that provide additional functionality
+ * not needed for tenancy to be bootstrapped. They are run
+ * regardless of whether tenancy has been initialized.
+ *
+ * See the documentation page for each class to
+ * understand which ones you want to enable.
+ */
+ 'features' => [
+ // Stancl\Tenancy\Features\UserImpersonation::class,
+ // Stancl\Tenancy\Features\TelescopeTags::class,
+ // Stancl\Tenancy\Features\UniversalRoutes::class,
+ // Stancl\Tenancy\Features\TenantConfig::class, // https://tenancyforlaravel.com/docs/v3/features/tenant-config
+ // Stancl\Tenancy\Features\CrossDomainRedirect::class, // https://tenancyforlaravel.com/docs/v3/features/cross-domain-redirect
+ // Stancl\Tenancy\Features\ViteBundler::class,
+ ],
+ /**
+ * Should tenancy routes be registered.
+ *
+ * Tenancy routes include tenant asset routes. By default, this route is
+ * enabled. But it may be useful to disable them if you use external
+ * storage (e.g. S3 / Dropbox) or have a custom asset controller.
+ */
+ 'routes' => true,
+ /**
+ * Parameters used by the tenants:migrate command.
+ */
+ 'migration_parameters' => [
+ '--force' => true, // This needs to be true to run migrations in production.
+ '--path' => [database_path('migrations/tenant')],
+ '--realpath' => true,
+ ],
+ /**
+ * Parameters used by the tenants:seed command.
+ */
+ 'seeder_parameters' => [
+ '--class' => 'DatabaseSeeder', // root seeder class
+ // '--force' => true,
+ ],