<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers\API; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use App\Http\Requests\API\Folder\CreateRequest; use App\Http\Requests\API\Folder\UpdateRequest; use App\Http\Resources\API\FileByObjectResource; use App\Http\Resources\API\FolderDetailResource; use App\Models\Enums\FolderObjectType; use App\Models\File; use App\Models\Folder; use App\Models\Library; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; class FolderController extends Controller { /** * Display a listing of the resource. */ public function tree(string $objectType, string $objectId) { $folderObjectType = FolderObjectType::from($objectType); $folderObjectType->modelBuilderAllowed()->findOrFail($objectId); $folders = Folder::query() ->where([ 'object_type' => $objectType, 'object_id' => $objectId, ]) ->when(request("parent_id", 0) > 0, function ($query) { return $query->where("path", "like", "%," . \request("parent_id") . ",%")->where("id", "!=", \request("parent_id")); }) ->orderByDesc("sequence") ->get([ 'id', 'name', 'parent_id' ]) ->each(function ($folders){ $folders->type='folder'; $folders->uniId=uniqid(); }); return $this->success([ 'data' => make_tree($folders->toArray(), \request("parent_id", 0)), ]); } /** * Store a newly created resource in storage. */ public function store(CreateRequest $request) { $folderObjectType = FolderObjectType::from($request->object_type); $object = $folderObjectType->modelBuilderAllowed()->findOrFail($request->object_id); $objectWhere = [ 'object_type' => $folderObjectType->value, 'object_id' => $object->id ]; $parentFolder = $request->parent_id > 0 ? Folder::query()->where($objectWhere)->findOrFail($request->parent_id) : null; $names = []; $updateFolders = []; foreach ($request->items as $item) { if (! isset($item['name']) || !$item['name']) { return $this->badRequest("Folder name cannot be empty"); } if (in_array($item['name'], $names)) { return $this->badRequest("Folder names must be unique"); } $names[] = $item['name']; $isUpdate = isset($item['id']) && $item['id']; $count = Folder::query() ->where($objectWhere) ->where("parent_id", $request->parent_id) ->when($isUpdate, function ($query) use ($item) { return $query->where("id", "!=", $item['id']); }) ->where("name", $item['name']) ->count(); if ($count > 0) { return $this->badRequest(sprintf("Folder '%s' must be unique", $item['name'])); } if ($isUpdate) { $folder = Folder::query() ->where($objectWhere) ->where("parent_id", $request->parent_id) ->find($item['id']); if (! $folder) { return $this->badRequest("Illegal parameters or the file relationship that needs to be updated has changed."); } $updateFolders[$item['id']] = $folder; } } foreach ($request->items as $item) { $isUpdate = isset($item['id']) && $item['id']; $data = [ 'name' => $item['name'], 'sequence' => data_get($item, "sequence", 0), ]; if ($isUpdate) { $folder = $updateFolders[$item['id']]; $folder->fill($data); $folder->save(); } else { $folder = Folder::query()->create([ 'company_id' => Auth::user()->company_id, ...$objectWhere, 'parent_id' => $request->parent_id, ...$data ]); $folder->path = $parentFolder ? $parentFolder?->path . $folder->id . "," : sprintf(",%s,", $folder->id); $folder->save(); } } return $this->created(); } /** * Display the specified resource. */ public function show(string $id) { $folder = Folder::query()->findOrFail($id); return new FolderDetailResource($folder); } /** * Update the specified resource in storage. */ public function update(UpdateRequest $request, string $id) { $folder = Folder::query()->findOrFail($id); $folderObjectType = FolderObjectType::from($folder->object_type); $object = $folderObjectType->modelBuilderAllowed()->findOrFail($folder->object_id); $objectWhere = [ 'object_type' => $folderObjectType->value, 'object_id' => $object->id ]; $parentFolder = Folder::query()->where($objectWhere)->findOrFail($request->parent_id ?? $folder->id); if (! $parentFolder) { return $this->badRequest("Parent folder does not exist"); } $count = Folder::query() ->where($objectWhere) ->where("parent_id", $request->parent_id) ->where("name", $request->name) ->where("id", "!=", $folder->id) ->count(); if ($count > 0) { return $this->badRequest(sprintf("Folder '%s' must be unique", $request->name)); } $fields = ['name', 'sequence']; if ($parentFolder?->id == $folder->parent_id) { $folder->fill($request->only($fields)); $folder->save(); } else { $path = $parentFolder->path . $folder->id . ","; $folderData = [ ...$request->only($fields), 'path' => $path, 'parent_id' => $request->parent_id, ]; $children = Folder::query() ->where($objectWhere) ->where("id", "!=", $folder->id) ->where("path", "like", "%," . $folder->id . ",%") ->get(); foreach ($children as $child) { $child->fill([ 'path' => str_replace($folder->path, $path, $child->path), ]); $child->save(); } $folder->fill($folderData); $folder->save(); } return $this->noContent(); } /** * Remove the specified resource from storage. */ public function destroy(string $id) { $folder = Folder::query()->findOrFail($id); $folderObjectType = FolderObjectType::from($folder->object_type); $folderObjectType->modelBuilderAllowed()->findOrFail($folder->object_id); $children = Folder::query()->where("parent_id", $folder->id)->count(); if ($children > 0) { return $this->badRequest("Subordinate folders or containers exist and are not allowed to be deleted."); } $folder->delete(); return $this->noContent(); } public function open(Request $request) { $folderId = $request->get("id", 0); if ($folderId > 0) { $folder = Folder::query()->findOrFail($folderId); $objectType = $folder->object_type; $objectId = $folder->object_id; } else { $objectType = $request->get("object_type"); $objectId = $request->get("object_id"); } $folderObjectType = FolderObjectType::from($objectType); $folderObjectType->modelBuilderAllowed()->findOrFail($objectId); $objectWhere = ['object_type' => $objectType, 'object_id' => $objectId,]; $folders = Folder::query() ->where($objectWhere) ->when($folderId, fn($query) => $query->where("parent_id", $folderId)) ->when(! $folderId, fn($query) => $query->where("parent_id", 0)) ->get(['id', 'name'])->each(function ($folders)use ($folderId){ $folderCount=Folder::query()->where('parent_id',$folders->id)->count(); $filesCount=File::query()->where('folder_id',$folderId>0?$folders->id:$folderId)->where("is_latest_version", 1)->count(); $folders->itemCount=$folderCount+$filesCount; }); $files = File::query()->where($objectWhere) ->where("folder_id", $folderId) ->where("is_latest_version", 1) ->get(); return $this->success([ 'data' => [ 'folders' => $folders, 'files' => FileByObjectResource::collection($files), ] ]); } }