<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers\API; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use App\Http\Requests\API\Library\CreateOrUpdateRequest; use App\Http\Resources\API\LibraryResource; use App\Models\Container; use App\Models\Enums\LibraryType; use App\Models\Library; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth; class LibraryController extends Controller { /** * Display a listing of the resource. */ public function index(Request $request) { $libraries = Library::query()->filter($request->all())->allowed()->get(['id', 'name']); $containerCount = Container::query()->allowed() ->whereIn("library_id", $libraries->pluck("id")->toArray()) ->selectRaw("count(*) as cut, library_id") ->groupBy("library_id") ->pluck("cut", "library_id"); $libraries = $libraries->map(function (Library $library) use ($containerCount) { $library->itemCount = $containerCount->get($library->id, 0); $library->type = 'library'; $library->uniId = $library->type . '_' . $library->id; return $library; }); return $this->success([ 'data' => $libraries ]); } /** * Store a newly created resource in storage. */ public function store(CreateOrUpdateRequest $request) { Library::query()->create([ ...$request->all(), 'created_by' => Auth::id(), 'company_id' => Auth::user()->company_id, 'whitelist' => $request->whitelist ? sprintf(",%s,", implode(',', $request->whitelist)) : null, ]); return $this->created(); } /** * Display the specified resource. */ public function show(string $id) { $library = Library::allowed()->findOrFail($id); return new LibraryResource($library); } /** * Update the specified resource in storage. */ public function update(Request $request, string $id) { $library = Library::query()->allowed()->findOrFail($id); $library->fill($request->only([ 'name', 'acl', 'asset_id', 'project_id', ])); $library->whitelist = $request->whitelist ? sprintf(",%s", implode(',', $request->whitelist)) : null; $library->save(); return $this->noContent(); } /** * Remove the specified resource from storage. */ public function destroy(string $id) { $library = Library::query()->allowed()->findOrFail($id); if ($library->container()->count() > 0) { return $this->badRequest("The container has been associated and is not allowed to be deleted"); } $library->delete(); return $this->noContent(); } public function linkage(Request $request, string $type) { $libraryType = LibraryType::from($type); if (in_array($libraryType->value, [LibraryType::PROJECT->value, LibraryType::ASSET->value]) && !$request->get("id")) { return $this->badRequest("Parameter ID cannot be empty"); } $where = match ($libraryType) { LibraryType::ASSET => ['asset_id' => $request->get("id")], LibraryType::PROJECT => ['project_id' => $request->get("id")], LibraryType::CUSTOM => [] }; $libraries = Library::query() ->allowed() ->where("type", $type)->when($where, fn($query) => $query->where($where)) ->get(['id', 'name']) ->each(function ($libraries) { // 设置固定的type值 $libraries->type = 'library'; $libraries->uniId=$libraries->type.'_'.$libraries->id; }); return $this->success([ 'data' => $libraries ]); } }