{ "(and :count more error)": "(還有 :count 個錯誤)", "(and :count more errors)": "(還有 :count 多個錯誤)", "A Timeout Occurred": "發生超時", "Accept": "接受", "Accepted": "公認", "Action": "開始!", "Actions": "動作", "Add": "新增", "Admin": "行政", "Agree": "同意", "All rights reserved.": "版權所有。", "Already Reported": "已舉報", "Archive": "檔案", "Assign": "分配", "Attach": "附加", "Bad Gateway": "錯誤的網關", "Bad Request": "錯誤的請求", "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded": "超出帶寬限制", "Browse": "瀏覽", "Cancel": "取消", "Choose": "選擇", "Choose :name": "選擇:name", "Choose File": "選擇檔案", "Choose Image": "選擇圖片", "Click to copy": "點選複製", "Client Closed Request": "客戶端關閉請求", "Close": "關閉", "Collapse": "坍塌", "Collapse All": "全部收縮", "Comment": "評論", "Confirm": "確認", "Conflict": "衝突", "Connect": "連接", "Connection Closed Without Response": "連接關閉無響應", "Connection Timed Out": "連接超時", "Continue": "繼續", "Create": "建立", "Created": "已創建", "Delete": "刪除", "Detach": "分離", "Details": "詳情", "Disable": "停用", "Discard": "丟棄", "Done": "完畢", "Down": "向下", "Duplicate": "複製", "Duplicate: name": "重複:名稱", "Edit": "編輯", "Edit :name": "編輯:name", "Enable": "啟用", "Expand": "擴張", "Expand All": "展開全部", "Expectation Failed": "期望失敗", "Explanation": "解釋", "Export": "出口", "Failed Dependency": "失敗的依賴", "File": "文件", "Files": "文件", "Forbidden": "拒絕存取", "Found": "成立", "Gateway Timeout": "網關超時", "Go Home": "回首頁", "Go to page :page": "前往第 :page 頁", "Gone": "走了", "Hello!": "您好!", "Hide": "隱藏", "Hide :name": "隱藏 :name", "Home": "家", "HTTP Version Not Supported": "不支持 HTTP 版本", "I'm a teapot": "我是茶壺", "If you did not create an account, no further action is required.": "如果您未註冊帳號,請忽略此郵件。", "If you did not request a password reset, no further action is required.": "如果您未要求重設密碼,請忽略此郵件。", "If you're having trouble clicking the \":actionText\" button, copy and paste the URL below\ninto your web browser:": "如果您點擊「:actionText」按鈕時出現問題,請複製下方連結至瀏覽器中貼上:", "IM Used": "使用即時通訊", "Image": "影像", "Impersonate": "模擬登入", "Impersonation": "冒充", "Import": "進口", "Import :name": "進口 :name", "Insufficient Storage": "存儲空間不足", "Internal Server Error": "內部服務器錯誤", "Introduction": "介紹", "Invalid JSON was returned from the route.": "路由回傳了無效的 JSON。", "Invalid SSL Certificate": "無效的 SSL 證書", "Length Required": "所需長度", "Like": "喜歡", "Load": "載入", "Localize": "在地化", "Locked": "鎖定", "Login": "登入", "Logout": "登出", "Loop Detected": "檢測到環路", "Maintenance Mode": "維護模式", "Method Not Allowed": "方法不允許", "Misdirected Request": "錯誤的請求", "Moved Permanently": "永久移動", "Multi-Status": "多狀態", "Multiple Choices": "多項選擇", "Network Authentication Required": "需要網絡身份驗證", "Network Connect Timeout Error": "網絡連接超時錯誤", "Network Read Timeout Error": "網絡讀取超時錯誤", "New": "新增", "New :name": "新 :name", "No": "否", "No Content": "無內容", "Non-Authoritative Information": "非權威信息", "Not Acceptable": "不能接受的", "Not Extended": "未擴展", "Not Found": "找不到頁面", "Not Implemented": "未實現", "Not Modified": "未修改", "of": "於", "OK": "好的", "Open": "打開", "Open in a current window": "在目前視窗中開啟", "Open in a new window": "在新視窗中開啟", "Open in a parent frame": "在父框架中打開", "Open in the topmost frame": "在最上面的框架中打開", "Open on the website": "在網站上打開", "Origin Is Unreachable": "原點不可達", "Page Expired": "頁面已過期", "Pagination Navigation": "分頁導覽", "Partial Content": "部分內容", "Payload Too Large": "有效載荷太大", "Payment Required": "需要付款", "Permanent Redirect": "永久重定向", "Please click the button below to verify your email address.": "請點擊下方按鈕驗證您的電子郵件地址:", "Precondition Failed": "前置條件失敗", "Precondition Required": "需要先決條件", "Preview": "預覽", "Price": "價格", "Processing": "加工", "Proxy Authentication Required": "需要代理身份驗證", "Railgun Error": "軌道炮錯誤", "Range Not Satisfiable": "範圍不可滿足", "Regards": "致敬", "Register": "註冊", "Request Header Fields Too Large": "請求標頭字段太大", "Request Timeout": "請求超時", "Reset Content": "重置內容", "Reset Password": "重設密碼", "Reset Password Notification": "重設密碼通知", "Restore": "還原", "Restore :name": "恢復:name", "results": "結果", "Retry With": "重試", "Save": "儲存", "Save & Close": "儲存並關閉", "Save & Return": "儲存並返回", "Save :name": "節省 :name", "Search": "搜尋", "Search :name": "搜尋 :name", "See Other": "查看其他", "Select": "選擇", "Select All": "全選", "Send": "傳送", "Server Error": "伺服器錯誤", "Service Unavailable": "暫時不提供服務", "Session Has Expired": "會話已過期", "Settings": "設定", "Show": "展示", "Show :name": "顯示 :name", "Show All": "顯示所有", "Showing": "顯示中", "Solve": "解決", "SSL Handshake Failed": "SSL 握手失敗", "Submit": "提交", "Subscribe": "訂閱", "Switch": "轉變", "Switch To Role": "切換角色", "Switching Protocols": "切換協議", "Tag": "標籤", "Tags": "標籤", "Temporary Redirect": "臨時重定向", "The given data was invalid.": "給定的數據無效。", "The response is not a streamed response.": "該響應不是流式響應。", "The response is not a view.": "響應不是視圖。", "This password reset link will expire in :count minutes.": "重設密碼連結將會在 :count 分鐘後失效。", "to": "至", "Toggle navigation": "切換導覽", "Too Early": "太早了", "Too Many Requests": "要求次數過多。", "Translate": "翻譯", "Translate It": "翻譯它", "Unauthorized": "未授權", "Unavailable For Legal Reasons": "因法律原因無法使用", "Unknown Error": "未知錯誤", "Unpack": "打開包裝", "Unprocessable Entity": "不可處理的實體", "Unsubscribe": "退訂", "Unsupported Media Type": "不支持的媒體類型", "Up": "向上", "Update": "更新", "Update :name": "更新:name", "Upgrade Required": "需要升級", "URI Too Long": "URI 太長", "Use Proxy": "使用代理服務器", "User": "使用者", "Variant Also Negotiates": "變體也協商", "Verify Email Address": "驗證電子郵件地址", "View": "檢視", "View :name": "查看 :name", "Web Server is Down": "Web 服務器已關閉", "Whoops!": "哎呀!", "Yes": "是", "You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.": "您收到此電子郵件是因為我們收到了重設密碼的要求。" }