123456789101112131415161718192021222324 |
- <x-mail::message>
- # Company Name: {{ $company->name }}
- ## Status: {{$company->review_status}}
- ## Note:
- @if($company->review_status->value === "approved")
- ### Congratulations! The company you applied for has passed the background review.This audit is valid until :{{$company->exp_date}}<br>Initialize the account information as follows:<br><br>name: {{$user->name}} <br>username: {{$user->username}} <br>password: admin@#123<br>
- ### Please change your password when logging in for the first time
- @else
- ### Your company application was not approved.
- ### Reason for rejection: {{$rejectReason}}
- @endif
- Thanks,<br>
- [Go to login]({{config('app.url')}})<br>
- From {{ config('app.name') }}
- </x-mail::message>