zh_CN.json 7.8 KB

  1. {
  2. "(and :count more error)": "(还有 :count 个错误)",
  3. "(and :count more errors)": "(以及另外 :count 个错误)",
  4. "A Timeout Occurred": "发生超时",
  5. "Accept": "接受",
  6. "Accepted": "已接受",
  7. "Action": "操作",
  8. "Actions": "操作",
  9. "Add": "添加",
  10. "Admin": "行政",
  11. "Agree": "同意",
  12. "All rights reserved.": "版权所有。",
  13. "Already Reported": "已上报",
  14. "Archive": "档案",
  15. "Assign": "分配",
  16. "Attach": "附加",
  17. "Bad Gateway": "网关错误",
  18. "Bad Request": "请求错误",
  19. "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded": "超出带宽限制",
  20. "Browse": "浏览",
  21. "Cancel": "取消",
  22. "Choose": "选择",
  23. "Choose :name": "选择:name",
  24. "Choose File": "选择文件",
  25. "Choose Image": "选择图片",
  26. "Click to copy": "点击复制",
  27. "Client Closed Request": "客户端关闭请求",
  28. "Close": "关闭",
  29. "Collapse": "坍塌",
  30. "Collapse All": "全部收缩",
  31. "Comment": "评论",
  32. "Confirm": "确认",
  33. "Conflict": "冲突",
  34. "Connect": "连接",
  35. "Connection Closed Without Response": "连接关闭无响应",
  36. "Connection Timed Out": "连接超时",
  37. "Continue": "继续请求",
  38. "Create": "创建",
  39. "Created": "已创建",
  40. "Delete": "删除",
  41. "Detach": "分离",
  42. "Details": "详情",
  43. "Disable": "禁用",
  44. "Discard": "丢弃",
  45. "Done": "完毕",
  46. "Down": "向下",
  47. "Duplicate": "复制",
  48. "Duplicate: name": "重复:名称",
  49. "Edit": "编辑",
  50. "Edit :name": "编辑:name",
  51. "Enable": "启用",
  52. "Expand": "扩张",
  53. "Expand All": "展开全部",
  54. "Expectation Failed": "期望不满足",
  55. "Explanation": "解释",
  56. "Export": "出口",
  57. "Failed Dependency": "失败的依赖",
  58. "File": "文件",
  59. "Files": "文件",
  60. "Forbidden": "访问被拒绝",
  61. "Found": "临时移动",
  62. "Gateway Timeout": "网关超时",
  63. "Go Home": "回首页",
  64. "Go to page :page": "前往第 :page 页",
  65. "Gone": "不可用",
  66. "Hello!": "您好!",
  67. "Hide": "隐藏",
  68. "Hide :name": "隐藏 :name",
  69. "Home": "家",
  70. "HTTP Version Not Supported": "HTTP版本不支持",
  71. "I'm a teapot": "我是一个茶壶",
  72. "If you did not create an account, no further action is required.": "如果您未注册帐号,请忽略此邮件。",
  73. "If you did not request a password reset, no further action is required.": "如果您未申请重设密码,请忽略此邮件。",
  74. "If you're having trouble clicking the \":actionText\" button, copy and paste the URL below\ninto your web browser:": "如果您单击「:actionText」按钮时遇到问题,请复制下方链接到浏览器中访问:",
  75. "IM Used": "IM已使用",
  76. "Image": "图像",
  77. "Impersonate": "模拟登录",
  78. "Impersonation": "冒充",
  79. "Import": "进口",
  80. "Import :name": "进口 :name",
  81. "Insufficient Storage": "存储空间不足",
  82. "Internal Server Error": "内部服务器错误",
  83. "Introduction": "介绍",
  84. "Invalid JSON was returned from the route.": "从路由返回无效的 JSON。",
  85. "Invalid SSL Certificate": "无效的SSL证书",
  86. "Length Required": "长度要求",
  87. "Like": "喜欢",
  88. "Load": "加载",
  89. "Localize": "本地化",
  90. "Locked": "锁定",
  91. "Login": "登录",
  92. "Logout": "登出",
  93. "Loop Detected": "检测到环路",
  94. "Maintenance Mode": "服务不可用",
  95. "Method Not Allowed": "方法不允许",
  96. "Misdirected Request": "错误的请求",
  97. "Moved Permanently": "已永久移动",
  98. "Multi-Status": "多状态",
  99. "Multiple Choices": "多种选择",
  100. "Network Authentication Required": "需要网络验证",
  101. "Network Connect Timeout Error": "网络连接超时",
  102. "Network Read Timeout Error": "网络读取超时",
  103. "New": "新建",
  104. "New :name": "新 :name",
  105. "No": "不",
  106. "No Content": "无内容",
  107. "Non-Authoritative Information": "非权威信息",
  108. "Not Acceptable": "无法接受",
  109. "Not Extended": "未延期",
  110. "Not Found": "页面不存在",
  111. "Not Implemented": "未实现",
  112. "Not Modified": "未修改",
  113. "of": "于",
  114. "OK": "请求成功",
  115. "Open": "打开",
  116. "Open in a current window": "在当前窗口中打开",
  117. "Open in a new window": "在新窗口中打开",
  118. "Open in a parent frame": "在父框架中打开",
  119. "Open in the topmost frame": "在最上面的框架中打开",
  120. "Open on the website": "在网站上打开",
  121. "Origin Is Unreachable": "原点无法到达",
  122. "Page Expired": "页面会话已超时",
  123. "Pagination Navigation": "分页导航",
  124. "Partial Content": "部分内容",
  125. "Payload Too Large": "请求实体过大",
  126. "Payment Required": "需要付款",
  127. "Permanent Redirect": "永久重定向",
  128. "Please click the button below to verify your email address.": "请点击下面按钮验证您的 E-mail:",
  129. "Precondition Failed": "前提条件未满足",
  130. "Precondition Required": "前提要求",
  131. "Preview": "预览",
  132. "Price": "价格",
  133. "Processing": "处理中",
  134. "Proxy Authentication Required": "需要代理验证",
  135. "Railgun Error": "轨道炮错误",
  136. "Range Not Satisfiable": "请求范围不符合",
  137. "Regards": "致敬",
  138. "Register": "注册",
  139. "Request Header Fields Too Large": "请求标头字段太大",
  140. "Request Timeout": "请求超时",
  141. "Reset Content": "重置内容",
  142. "Reset Password": "重置密码",
  143. "Reset Password Notification": "重置密码通知",
  144. "Restore": "恢复",
  145. "Restore :name": "恢复:name",
  146. "results": "结果",
  147. "Retry With": "重试",
  148. "Save": "保存",
  149. "Save & Close": "保存并关闭",
  150. "Save & Return": "保存并返回",
  151. "Save :name": "节省 :name",
  152. "Search": "搜索",
  153. "Search :name": "搜索 :name",
  154. "See Other": "见其他",
  155. "Select": "选择",
  156. "Select All": "全选",
  157. "Send": "发送",
  158. "Server Error": "服务器错误",
  159. "Service Unavailable": "服务不可用",
  160. "Session Has Expired": "会话已过期",
  161. "Settings": "设置",
  162. "Show": "展示",
  163. "Show :name": "显示 :name",
  164. "Show All": "显示所有",
  165. "Showing": "显示中",
  166. "Solve": "解决",
  167. "SSL Handshake Failed": "SSL握手失败",
  168. "Submit": "提交",
  169. "Subscribe": "订阅",
  170. "Switch": "转变",
  171. "Switch To Role": "切换角色",
  172. "Switching Protocols": "切换协议",
  173. "Tag": "标签",
  174. "Tags": "标签",
  175. "Temporary Redirect": "临时重定向",
  176. "The given data was invalid.": "给定的数据无效。",
  177. "The response is not a streamed response.": "该响应不是流式响应。",
  178. "The response is not a view.": "响应不是视图。",
  179. "This password reset link will expire in :count minutes.": "这个重设密码链接将会在 :count 分钟后失效。",
  180. "to": "至",
  181. "Toggle navigation": "切换导航",
  182. "Too Early": "太早了",
  183. "Too Many Requests": "请求次数过多。",
  184. "Translate": "翻译",
  185. "Translate It": "翻译它",
  186. "Unauthorized": "未授权",
  187. "Unavailable For Legal Reasons": "法律原因不可用",
  188. "Unknown Error": "未知错误",
  189. "Unpack": "打开包装",
  190. "Unprocessable Entity": "不可处理的实体",
  191. "Unsubscribe": "退订",
  192. "Unsupported Media Type": "不支持的媒体类型",
  193. "Up": "向上",
  194. "Update": "更新",
  195. "Update :name": "更新:name",
  196. "Upgrade Required": "需要升级",
  197. "URI Too Long": "URI太长了",
  198. "Use Proxy": "使用代理",
  199. "User": "用户",
  200. "Variant Also Negotiates": "变体协商",
  201. "Verify Email Address": "验证 E-mail",
  202. "View": "查看",
  203. "View :name": "查看 :name",
  204. "Web Server is Down": "Web服务器已关闭",
  205. "Whoops!": "哎呀!",
  206. "Yes": "是的",
  207. "You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.": "您收到此电子邮件是因为我们收到了您帐户的密码重设请求。"
  208. }